ART PAPERS 09.03 - May/June 1985

ART PAPERS 09.03 - May/June 1985

Regular price $40.00 Sale

This special issue "New! Media!"is devoted to a complex of technological, new media and cultural concerns -- ranging from computer graphics and animation to space shuttle art. 

The issue features Alan sondheim's interview with David Finkelstein, a leading quantum physicist, as well as an article by Finkelstein anticipating the future trajectories of physics. Additionally, Robert Horvitz explores art existing in extreme environments with space shuttles, Chris Robinson writes about the artist's role in scientific and space exploration, and bruce Naylor looks at how computer graphics will become a part of the visual arts. 

Noteworthy reviews include D. Eric Bookhardt's review of Ida Kohlmeyer's three exhibitions in March in New Orleans, Barbara McKenzie's review of Luciano Franchi de Alfaro III's polaroid series Des Nudos, and Jay Murphy's review of Paul Rutkovsky's I am Siam and Paul and Fran Rutkovsky's Meat Books #1-4

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