ART PAPERS 30.06 - Nov/Dec 2006
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The viewer as an active and unpredictable participant in art is a central theme across this issue, which features Jennie Klein's examination of Vaginal Davis' "terrorist drag," Michelle White's discussion of Hilary Wilder's reliance on the familiarity of landscape painting while embracing the tensions of the natural world, and Pil and Galia Kollectiv's examination of Pierre Hughe's Celebration Park as it relates to bureaucracy and the "production of the celebration." Notable review include Gean Moreno's review of Gego, entre lo transparente y lo invisible [Gego, Between Transparency and the Invisible], John Gayer's look at Szuper Gallery's video The Extras, and Yoann Van Parys' review of Le mouvement des images [The Movement of Images].