ART PAPERS 46.01 - Fall 2022
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Fall 2022 // Embodied Knowledge - This issue explores forms of knowing gained through embodied experience, somatic knowledge, and those that reject traditional Western logocentric forms of knowledge, this issue will center the human body as the source of understanding, of distinguishing truth, and of mediating history. Contributions explore the commodification of reproduction and motherhood, acts of remembrance and celebration of those lost to HIV, the insurrectional bodies of David Cronenberg’s films, and TJ Shin’s works that articulate the boundaries between the interior processes of the human body and the external world.
46.01 Embodied Knowledge
Table of Contents
Editor’s Letter
Sarah Higgins
Designing Motherhood and the Labor of Love
Dinah Ryan
Insurrectional Evolution—The Cronenbergian Revisited
Nathan Lee
Interview with TJ Shin
Re’al Christian
Gone But Not Disrespected
Ted Kerr
Guadalupe Maravilla
Documenta 15
Xenia Benivolski
12th Berlin Biennale
Still Present!
Stephanie Bailey
Michael C. Carlos Museum
Indigo Prayers: A Creation Story
Tyra A. Seals
Stedelik Museum
Hito Steyerl: I Will Survive
Natasha Marie Llorens
MIT List
Azza El Siddique: In the place of annihilation, where all the past was present and returned transformed
Courtney McClellan
Anal (adj.)
Edward A. Hall
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